How to Paint Warriors of Rohan – 2019

Last Updated on September 23, 2019 by FauxHammer

This painting guide is intended to be a quick and simple process to paint Warriors of Rohan to a good tabletop level. The steps work really well for batch painting multiple models and painting an army with as little fuss as possible.

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How to Paint Rohan Warriors – Paints & Tools

How to Paint Warriors of Rohan - Complete



How to Paint Rohan Warriors – Tutorial

Step 1 – Primer

How to Paint Warriors of Rohan - Step 1

Start off by priming the mini(s) white or pale grey.

Do take your time when priming to get a smooth finish, as it makes all the difference to the end result.

Step 2 – Apply Base Colours

How to Paint Warriors of Rohan - Step 2

Basecoat the following:

Flesh areas – Cadian Fleshtone. As this is just a tabletop level we won’t be worrying about the eyes.

Hair and BeardZandri Dust.

Lower Jerkin and Top SievesGorthor Brown

Lower sievesStormvermin Fur

Chest Armour, Helmet and Leg ArmourMournfang Brown.

String TiesKarak Stone

Boots and BeltRhinox Hide

Cloak – Caliban Green


Gold detailsRetributor Armour

Step 3 – Apply Shades

How to Paint Warriors of Rohan - Step 3

Shade the following:

Flesh areasReikland Fleshshade

Hair and BeardSeraphim Sepia

BladeNuIn Oil

Browns & GoldAgrax Earthshade

The cloak doesn’t get shaded at this point, as there is another step to do to the cloak first.

Step 4 – Paint the Cloak

How to Paint Warriors of Rohan - Step 4

Layer the cloak with Loren Forest.

Leave the Caliban Green showing through for the deepest folds of the cloak.

You may wonder why bother painting the whole cloak Caliban Green beforehand? The reason for that is because it actually changes the tone of the Loren Forest on top. GW’s layer paints are intentionally slightly transparent meaning they look different depending on the colour underneath.

By having the Caliban Green underneath it gives a richer green feel to the end result.

Step 5 – Shade the Cloak

How to Paint Warriors of Rohan - Step 5

Shade the whole of the cloak with Biel-Tan Green.

Allow the shade to dry fully and then apply a second coat to the inside of the cloak.

Step 6 – Paint the Highlights

How to Paint Warriors of Rohan - Step 6

Highlight the following:

SkinKislev Flesh

Hair & BeardUshabti Bone

Chest, Helmet & Leg ArmourGorthor Brown.

(OPTIONAL) to warm the tone apply a glaze of Seraphim Sepia

Belt & BootsSkrag Brown

GoldLiberator Gold

BladeStormhost Silver

Step 7 – Paint the Details

How to Paint Warriors of Rohan - Step 7

For the shield, I painted the green and gold in the same way as the Rohan warrior.

For the white horses, the quickest way I found to paint them was to simply basecoat the whole design in Celestra Grey and then layer the design with Ulthuan Grey and leave the Celestra Grey showing for the recesses. It’s a bit rough but fine for the tabletop.

The weathering to the cloak was done by glazing Rhinox Hide onto the hemline of the cloak. It’s important to always run your brush down the cloak so that the colour builds more to the bottom and you get a nice fade.

All that’s left is to base the mini to suit your army.

A grass basing guide can also be found here or on my Instagram & Facebook pages.

How to Paint Rohan Warriors – Complete

Thank You

I hope you find this guide useful.

If you do have any questions or suggestions on how to improve it for others, then please do let me know.

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How to Paint Warriors of Rohan
Article Name
How to Paint Warriors of Rohan
This painting guide is intended to be a quick and simple process to paint Warriors of Rohan to a good tabletop level.


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