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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 18: Issues 67-70 Review

We’re back with our monthly round-up of everything Age of Sigmar. Have a read of our Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 18: Issues 67-70 Review for all the details – and a look at some of the awesome miniatures available at the moment!

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 18: Issues 67-70 Review – Introduction

This is a good month, you guys.

I’ve been looking forward to this stretch of the magazines, as at long last the Ironjawz come crashing onto the scene. I’m a huge Ironjawz fan, and recently was lucky enough to have my entire collection featured in an issue of White Dwarf. That more of them are now falling through my letterbox makes my heart very happy.

But there’s more to Delivery 18 than just Ironjawz (not much, but a bit…!). Read on for an overview of everything available this month.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 18: Issues 67-70 Review – Contents

We’re coming towards the end of the Stormbringer collection now (right in time for Age of Sigmar Fourth Edition…!), so let’s crack on without too much fanfare.

The Magazines

Issue 67 kicks things off with a descent into Ghyran and a look at the conflict between Alarielle the Everqueen and Nurgle’s faithful. The rest of the magazine is them given over to building, painting, and getting playing with your new Vanquishers, with their Warscroll and tutorial, before a separate battleplan for you to test your knowledge with.

Issue 68 (which contains the coolest miniature, maybe ever) is all about Ironjawz. With a few pages dedicated to their lore, the rest of the magazine is all about familiarising you with the Megaboss that comes with this issue, getting it built, painted, and ready for battle on the tabletop. With the capacity to mete out 8 attacks at 2 damage a piece, if you were tempted to get stuck into Age of Sigmar but put off by complicated rules, Ironjawz are where to start. Just hit stuff.

Warhammer Age of Sigmat Stormbringer Delivery 18 Issues 67-70 Magazines

Issue 69, which comes with some scenery, has some lore on Grimnir, the Fyreslayer’s god of war, and Grungi, the Great Maker. This magazine also contains a significant painting guide for said terrain, but also a second guide on painting scenery details. Finally, the last few pages are given over to new rules – and another battleplan. This issues fold-out insert takes us back to the armies of Ghyran, for another dive into the Realm of Life.

Finally, we arrive at Issue 70. Complete with the now out-of-production Ironskull’s Boyz, this magazine kicks off with a few sides of info on Nagash and his forces, before moving on to these Ironjawz miniatures: background, build guides, a thorough painting guide, and their warscroll, you’ve got everything you need to start cracking heads with these new models.


There’s an absolute ton of plastic in this month’s delivery – and, boy, is it an impressive selection!

Issue 67 comes with five impressive Stormcast Eternal Vanquishers. These miniatures, whilst similar to some of the Stormcast units we’ve had so far, have a few differences about them: primarily, they’re armed with massive, sod-off swords (which is always a win in my book).

Warhammer Age of Sigmat Stormbringer Delivery 18 Issues 67-70 Vanquishers

Of all the miniatures this month, they’re some of the more complicated ones. There are a few components to each, and a fair bit of balancing and sandwiching when it comes to getting some of the parts – particularly their legs – into position. But, we’re approaching the end of the collection now, so provided you’ve been building and painting along up to this point, it won’t be too much of a challenge.

Issue 68 contains one of my all-time-favourite miniatures: the Orruk Megaboss. An easy-to-build, towering hulk of a figure, this model is almost certainly a centrepiece of thousands of armies across the world.

Warhammer Age of Sigmat Stormbringer Delivery 18 Issues 67-70 Megaboss

I’ll let the miniature speak for itself, but, dear readers, after the price increases of the last few years, he’s almost £30. Forbidden Planet still have copies of this issue for round a tenner. Seriously, if you haven’t already got one, get one.

Issue 69 contains some more scenery: the Domicile Shell, now currently found in the Extermis Realmscale Expansion. It’s an easy-to-build piece of kit and will look great decorating your chosen battlefield. It is, however, just a touch too big and has one too many sticky-out bits to be able to store easily – at least, that’s what I’ve found. I’ve lost count of the number of times the bucket hanging from the scaffolding (at the back of the picture) has broken off.

Warhammer Age of Sigmat Stormbringer Delivery 18 Issues 67-70 Domicile Shell

Finally, Issue 70 contains some miniatures that are quite close to my heart: Ironskull’s Boyz.

Warhammer Age of Sigmat Stormbringer Delivery 18 Issues 67-70 Ironskull's Boyz

This out-of-print warband were the first Ironjawz miniatures I ever bought. They, along with the rest of my collection, were recently the subject of an eight-page army feature in White Dwarf 501 (as I mentioned at the top of the article). You can even see both Ironskull’s Boyz and a Megaboss in the linked picture.

As such, I can’t possibly ever say anything bad about these guys. I just love them. That they’re a breeze to build (and look pretty fab) makes them super easy for anyone – even the most unconfident of builders.

Forbidden Planet still has copies of Issue 70. Grab one and start your own Ironjawz journey!

Premium Kit 4

For anyone who’s a premium subscriber via Hachette, Delivery 18 comes with your final – yes, you read that right, your final – Premium Kit.

Warhammer Age of Sigmat Stormbringer Delivery 18 Issues 67-70 Premium Box

This time, you’ll be taking a deep-dive into the musty and shroom-filled caverns of the Gloomspite Gitz.

Warhammer Age of Sigmat Stormbringer Delivery 18 Issues 67-70 Premium Issue

The hefty premium magazine contains a few sides of information on the dangerous Dankhold Troggoth, as well as a little info on the smaller deadly Rockgut Troggoths (all of which you’ll find models for in this kit).

The majority of the magazine, however, is dedicated to two building and painting guides: one for the Rockgut Troggoths, the other for the towering Dankhold Troggoth.

Warhammer Age of Sigmat Stormbringer Delivery 18 Issues 67-70 Premium Darnkhold Troggoth

In spite its lumbering size, the Dankhold Troggoth isn’t all that difficult to build. It’s made up of a number of large, tactile parts, that go together fairly easily. As ever, watch out for any bits of errant sprue on contact points, but if you’ve been building along across the last 70 issues of this magazine, this shouldn’t be an issue for you.

There are also a number of variant options for the Dankhold Troggoth that aren’t covered in the assembly guide – different weapons, and hands, mainly. See if you can track down another assembly guide online and you’ll be able to build this towering monster however you like.

Speaking of “building things however you like”, the Rockgut Troggoths are in a league of their own.

Warhammer Age of Sigmat Stormbringer Delivery 18 Issues 67-70 Premium Rockgut Troggoths

With multiple head, hands, and arm options, you’ll be able to build each of these three miniature holding whatever combination of hammers, rocks, and, in one case, a goblin, that you can envisage. They’re quite a long-winded build as a result, and you’ll find yourself with a lot – and I mean a lot – of pieces left over at the end, but spare Troggoth heads make great trophies for some of your other miniatures!

With a combined shelf value of almost £100/$125, whilst it only actually contains four miniatures, Premium Kit 4 is a triumphal end to the premium side of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer subscription.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 18: Issues 67-70 Review – Price and Availability

Time for some tables!

Issue no.Issue Price (GBP)Total Value (GBP)Total Savings (GBP)
Issue 67£9.99£21.25£11.26
Issue 68£9.99£28.00£18.01
Issue 69£9.99£21.10*£11.11
Issue 70£9.99£27.50**£17.51

And for those of you in the US.

Issue no.Issue Price (USD)Total Value (USD)Total Savings (USD)
Issue 67$13.95$32.50$18.55
Issue 68$13.95$45.00$31.05
Issue 69$13.95$35.00$21.05
Issue 70$13.95$44.00$30.05
*Cost of the Domicile Shell estimated based on 1/3 of the price of the Extremis Edition – Realmscape Expansion Set.
**Cost of Ironskull’s Boyz based off the current pricing for individual Warhammer Underworlds Warbands – note, however, Ironskull’s Boyz have been out of production for some time.

There are some absolutely stunning savings to be had this month – particularly on the Orruk Megaboss and the out-of-production Ironskull’s Boyz. Seriously, guys, pick these issues up – you won’t regret it. (I’m not just saying that as a huge Ironjawz Fan. Well, maybe I am.)

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 18: Issues 67-70 Review – Final Thoughts

The GoodThe Bad
Loads of awesome miniatures
Great savings
Superb Premium Kit
Uh, really not all that much. The Vanquishers are kinda fiddly to build, I guess…?

We’re getting towards the end of the Stormbringer collection, and if the past has taught us anything it’s that the last 10-15 issues is usually where it’s at. The collection usually ramps up quite significantly: over the next few months we’ve got heaps of high-value models coming our way, from the brand-new Ardboyz, to Bastian Carthalos, an Orruk Warchanter, Stormbdrake Guard, and Swampboss Skumdrek. Things are starting to get quite exciting.

As such, it’s tough to find anything bad to say about Stormbringer Delivery 18 – and I’m not just saying that because I’m a huge Ironjawz fan. There is a lot to like here, and even if you’re not completely sold on Stormcast Eternals or Orruks, you can’t really turn your nose up at the absolute heap of money that can be saved this month.


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  • - Voltor Profile Pic

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 18: Issues 67-70


Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

2 thoughts on “Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 18: Issues 67-70 Review

  • Noah Göttsche

    Any news on if we get 81-90 like in Imperium?

    • VoltorRWH

      Hey Noah, we haven’t heard anything I’m afraid :(


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