Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issues 54-65 Contents Confirmed

Last Updated on October 24, 2024 by VoltorRWH

We’re back with an update on all things D&D Adventurer! Take a look at our Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issues 54-65 Contents Confirmed article for all the details on the next host of releases!

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I do apologise for followers of our D&D Adventurer series for the delay in updates. Unfortunately, I’ve gone from moving house straight into a whole host of IT issues that have seen my PC in for surgery at the local repair specialist. It is, however, now back and I’m up and running again – and, as promised, here are the next load of D&D Adventurer goodies!

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issue 54 Contents

Issue 54 comes with some supremely sparkly dice.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issue 55 Contents

Issue 55 sees the return of the mini metal dice.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issue 56 Contents

Issue 56 contains two maps for you to continue adventuring on.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issue 57 Contents

Issue 57 has some lovely, aqua-coloured, sparkly dice.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issue 58 Contents

Issue 58 keeps this adventure’s blueish theme going with these glassy blue dice.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issue 59 Contents

Issue 59 comes with another notepad and pen (if you’re anything like me, you’ll have completely used up the first one…!)

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issue 60 Contents

Issue 60 contains some striking black and orange dice.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issue 61 Contents

Issue 61 nets buyers their next massive dice – this one a D12.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issue 62 Contents

Issue 62 contains to smaller maps, so your party can continue their adventuring.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issue 63 Contents

Issue 63 contains another map – this one promised to be a “big one”.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issue 64 Contents

Issue 64 sees the return of the D&D Adventurer tin – this one containing some black and orange swirled dice.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Issue 65 Contents

Finally, Issue 65 contains these golden-coloured, sparkly dice.

And that’s that!

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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