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Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Full Collection Savings Breakdown

Last Updated on January 14, 2024 by Jordan

Hot off the heels from our announcement of the new Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol partworks magazine from Hachette, we’ve done all the dirty work in the trenches and calculated all the values of each model on offer with this new magazine. Thus, not just the value of each tiny little kit, but all of them put together… believe me, this isn’t an article to miss if you’re really itching to know what you’re saving when you’re subbing to Combat Patrol. Read on to see our answers for these burning questions in our Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Full Collection Savings Breakdown.

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Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Cost & Savings Breakdown

Before we get to the meaty goodness, let’s remind us ourselves of what the collection consists of. Observe:

Warhammer 40,000 Combat Patrol Current Full Collection

Effectively, Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol features models from 9 factions, each of which is a Combat Patrol boxset, plus one extra miniature – sometimes, you get a larger, more valuable miniature like the Maulerfiend or the Boomdakka Snazzwagon, and other times you get something a lot smaller but still complimentary like the Autarch or a Commissar.

Without further ado, here are the totals we’ve calculated, based on current retail prices of each kit offered in the magazine, and then added all together to make one super number to give us an overall value of the contents of all 80 issues.

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol
Savings Breakdown
Space Marines£127.50$215.00€167.50$255.00$349.00
Astra Militarum£117.50$195.00€155.00$235.00$325.00
Chaos Space Marines£117.50$195.00€155.00$235.00$303.00
World Eaters£145.00$240.00€190.00$290.00$360.00
Leagues of Votann£132.50$220.00€170.00$265.00$369.00
Genestealer Cults£132.50$220.00€170.00$265.00$340.00
Total Value£1142.50$1905.00€1492.50$2285.00$2997.00
Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol Cost£899.19*
Total Savings£243.31*
Percentage Saved21.3%*
*Note these values have been updated on 12-01-2024 to account for Combat Patrol running to 90 issues instead of the previously-assumed run of 80.

It’s worth noting, that at this point of time of publication, we do not know the cost of each individual issue in the US, Canada, Europe or Australia. That said, we have done our due diligence and calculated all the model values for those territories, as usual reference to come back to once we know the definitive prices and savings to be had.

However, as you can gleam from the English value, that’s a clean 30% off, were you to buy each individual kit like an absolute madman. Admittedly, that’s 13% less from the days of Imperium magazine, who had savings of 43% (UPDATE 12-01-2024: Note that this is now 21% and 22% respectively), but we can also thank inflation and everything being more expensive for that. Also, these values are calculated from Combat Patrol boxes, which are already discount boxes, so you’re getting discounts from discounts essentially.

And you may be screaming – those aren’t the prices of the Combat Patrol boxes! Yes, you are right, but as you scroll on through this article, you’ll see that each of the 9 factions in this collection provide not only the Combat Patrol boxed set contents – but an extra model/ unit too. It would have made our math easier much easier, because it’s just adding up the price of a Combat Patrol box, with the extra model kit for each faction.

But suppose you weren’t looking at buying all of the complete Combat Patrols to match this value from the collection, and you just want to know the raw savings for the models in this collection comparative to all of the previous partworks sets, where we showed the prices & savings breakdown using individual models RRP… (take a breath that was a long sentence) We have a summary for that way too. so here it is

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol
Savings Breakdown
Space Marines£139.25$236.00€185.50$278.50$377.50
Astra Militarum£170.00$280.00€222.50$340.00$472.00
Chaos Space Marines£162.50$260.00€217.50$325.00$409.00
World Eaters£202.50$330.00€272.50$405.00$515.00
Leagues of Votann£175.00$285.00€232.50$350.00$486.00
Genestealer Cults£214.00$353.50€279.00$428.00$563.00
Total Value£1649.75$2718.00€2173.50$3304.50$4309.50
Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol Cost£899.19*
Total Savings£750.56*
Percentage Saved45.5%*
*Note these values have been updated on 12-01-2024 to account for Combat Patrol running to 90 issues instead of the previously-assumed run of 80.

So whilst we’ve already seen comments that this collection is less of a deal than previous collections, when we break it down this way and compare it directly, there’s actually a significantly larger saving in this set than any Warhammer Partworks that’s come before. It’s almost 10% more saved!

It’s due to the fact that these are already heavily discounted in those collective boxes that make the value of this appear weak – but the flesh is weaker…

And remember, this is before paints and brushes too! And I hope for a wider selection of paints this time, considering the wider variety of models, and therefore colours required for the whole thing (again though, I’m just speculating on this, I don’t know).

And remember, these set’s aren’t designed for existing hobbyists to get models on the cheap – though that is what we all use it for by buying individual issues from Forbidden Planet. It’s designed to onboard new players, as we said in the full announcement article. This is an incredible way for a new player to get involved.

By the end of this collection, not only would someone know how to paint and play with their models, but they’ll have cut their teeth with tactics and moves for a wide range of factions too!

Or it lets the rest of us have a wider variety of models to paint and/or kitbash with, on the cheap.

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Total Collection Cost

As with previous Hachette Warhammer ventures, Issue 1 will be priced cheaply at £2.99. Issue 2 will then escalate to £6.99, and then thereafter, each issue will be £9.99.

Overall, the cost of the entire collection will amount to £799.20 £899.19 (UPDATE 12-01-2024: we’ve heard from Hachette who’ve confirmed that Combat Patrol will be running to 90 issues, similar to Warhammer 40,000: Imperium. Assuming these extra 10 issues are all priced at £9.99 each, this adds a further £99.90 to the original price).

This, however, does not account for the extras that come along the way, like binders and any other surprises, but those costs are revealed as they come.

What about the premium kits, I hear ye cry.

Warhammer 40,000 Combat Patrol Premium Savings Article All

Well, cry no more, as my main man Rob has an article at the ready calculating the values and savings for the premium kits – keep your eyes peeled, as this’ll be coming out on Friday this week. Quick spoilers – they’re an extra £2 per issue, but you do get a hollowed out Rogal Dorn, the bottom dug out presumably by the accompanying Genestealer Broodcoven.

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Imperial Forces Value

I’m splitting up the factions into 3, like they do whenever you enter a Games Workshop. Oddly enough, the Imperium actually gets very little representation in comparison to everyone else, which is a bit of a departure from the likes of the aptly named Imperium.

This time around, we just get the Space Marines and Imperial Guard Astra Militarum (sorry GW, they will always be Guard to me). Missing are the Adeptus Mechanicus, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Custodes, Imperial Knights (understandably) and any Chapter-specific models for Space Marines.

Space Marines Value

Combat Patrol: Space Marines£95.00$160.00€125.00$190.00$265.00
Primaris Chaplain on Bike£32.50$55.00€42.50$65.00$84.00

Individual Model Value

Terminator Captain (monopose Leviathan edition)£24.00*$38.00*€31.50*$48.00*$66.00*
Terminator Librarian£24.00$38.00€31.50$48.00$66.00
Terminators (x5)£40.00$65.00€55.00$80.00$110.00
Infernus Marines (x5)£18.75**$40.00**€25.00**$37.50**$51.50**
Primaris Chaplain on Bike£32.50$55.00€42.50$65.00$84.00
* – An estimate based off the monopose Terminator Librarian, as the multi-part Terminator Captain hasn’t actually come out on his own yet.
** – An estimate based off the price of the Primaris Hellblasters, as the Infernus Marines haven’t been released separately yet.

Astra Militarum Value

Combat Patrol: Astra Militarum£95.00$160.00€125.00$190.00$265.00

Individual Model Value

Cadian Command Squad£27.50$45.00€35.00$55.00$77.00
Field Ordnance Batteries (x2)£32.50$55.00€42.50$65.00$90.00
Cadian Shock Troops (x20)£60.00*$100.00*€80.00*$120.00*$168.00*
*Price of two kits

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Chaos Forces Value

Heresy has entered the chat. For the first time since Conquest, we get some heretical representation from Hachette – though with just two factions, the regular joe schmoe undivided Chaos Space Marines, and the rather cross World Eaters. Since Death Guard were the focus for Conquest, I can understand them not getting a slot in Combat Patrol, but sadly Thousand Sons and Chaos Daemons have been left out in the cold this time around (and don’t even ask about the Emperor’s Children!).

Chaos Space Marines Value

Combat Patrol: Chaos Space Marines£95.00$160.00€125.00$190.00$243.00
Master of Possession£22.50$35.00€30.00$45.00$60.00

Individual Model Value

Dark Apostle£25.00$40.00€32.50$50.00$63.00
Chaos Space Marines (x10)£40.00$65.00€55.00$80.00$105.00
Havocs (x5)£37.50$60.00€50.00$75.00$97.00
Master of Possession£22.50$35.00€30.00$45.00$60.00

World Eaters Value

Combat Patrol: World Eaters£95.00$160.00€125.00$190.00$265.00
Maulerfiend/ Forgefiend£50.00$80.00€65.00$100.00$95.00

Individual Model Value

Chaos Lord on Juggernaut/
Lord Invocatus
Khorne Berzerkers (x20)£80.00*$130.00*€110.00*$160.00*$220.00*
Jakhals (x10)£32.50$55.00€42.50$65.00$90.00
Maulerfiend/ Forgefiend£50.00$80.00€65.00$100.00$95.00
*Price of two kits

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Xenos Forces Value

Finally, to complete the trifecta of 40K, we have the Xenos armies, who get five mini armies included in the collection. It truly is the time for xenos players everywhere to rejoice and shine, so waste not this moment to gloat at the Imperial dogs and filthy heretics.

Within this block, we get the stars of 10E, the ever unsatiable Tyranids, plus their simps worshippers in the Genestealer Cults, the old-but-gold Aeldari, the beloved greenskin Orks and the fresh-faced Leagues of Votann. This time around, the Necrons, T’au Empire and Drukhari get no love, but I’m sure they’ll live (especially the Necrons, who were the other half of the Imperium magazine).

Tyranids Value

Combat Patrol: Tyranids£95.00$160.00€125.00$190.00$265.00
Parasite of Mortrex£25.00$40.00€32.50$50.00$69.00

Individual Model Value

Tyranid Prime£25.00$40.00€32.50$50.00$70.00
Von Ryan’s Leapers (x3)£30.00$50.00€40.00$60.00$84.00
Barbgaunts (x5)£27.50$45.00€35.00$55.00$77.00
Termagants (x20) + Ripper Swarms (x2)£55.00*$90.00*€70.00*$110.00*$154.00*
Parasite of Mortrex£25.00$40.00€32.50$50.00$69.00
*Price of two kits

** – Price estimate based on the similarly priced Tervigon, as the Psychophage is currently not up for pre-order in North American or Australian territories yet.

Leagues of Votann Value

Combat Patrol: Leagues of Votann£95.00$160.00€125.00$190.00$264.00
Einhyr Hearthguard£37.50$60.00€50.00$75.00$105.00

Individual Model Value

Uthar the Destined/ Kahl£25.00$40.00€32.50$50.00$69.00
Hernkyn Pioneers (x3)£40.00$65.00€55.00$80.00$110.00
Cthonian Berserks (x5)£37.50$60.00€50.00$75.00$105.00
Hearthkyn Warriors (x10)£35.00$60.00€45.00$70.00$97.00
Einhyr Hearthguard (x5)£37.50$60.00€50.00$75.00$105.00

Orks Value

Combat Patrol: Orks£95.00$160.00€125.00$190.00$243.00
Boomdakka Snazzwagon£35.00$60.00€45.00$70.00$83.00

Individual Model Value

Deff Dread£37.50$60.00€50.00$75.00$89.00
Warboss in Mega Armour£25.00$40.00€32.50$50.00$63.00
Deffkoptas (x3)£40.00$65.00€55.00$80.00$105.00
Boyz (x20)£65.00*$110.00*€85.00*$130.00*$168.00*
Boomdakka Snazzwagon£35.00$60.00€45.00$70.00$83.00
*Price of two kits

Aeldari Value

Combat Patrol: Aeldari£95.00$160.00€125.00$190.00$222.00

Individual Model Value

Windriders (x6)£70.00*$120.00*€90.00*$140.00*$152.00*
Guardian Defenders/ Storm Guardians (x10)
+ Heavy Weapons Platform
*Price of two kits

Genestealer Cults Value

Combat Patrol: Genestealer Cults£95.00$160.00€125.00$190.00$243.00
Atalan Jackals£37.50$60.00€50.00$75.00$97.00

Individual Model Value

Goliath Rockgrinder£37.50$60.00€50.00$75.00$105.00
Aberrants (x5)£27.50$45.00€35.00$55.00$75.00
Acolyte Hybrids (x5)£27.50$45.00€35.00$55.00$75.00
Neophyte Hybrids (x20)£65.00*$110.00*€85.00*$130.00*168.00*
Atalan Jackals (x5)£37.50$60.00€50.00$75.00$97.00
*Price of two kits

Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol Cost & Savings Breakdown – Final Thoughts

To conclude, I firmly believe that this may be one of the best – if not the best – Warhammer magazine that Hachette has ever done.

The sheer variety of models you get, very desirable ones at that too, from a number of differing factions is going to appeal to a lot of collectors and players, and that’s the biggest win this magazine gets. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come – we saw the genesis of that in Stormbringer, which wasn’t just models of two factions, it was a large variety from both sides of Grand Alliance Order and Grand Alliance Destruction. Combat Patrol seems to take that idea one step further and branches out into almost every faction in 40K – meaning you’ll have nine mini armies by the end of its run.

Naturally, we must also remember that the contents are subject to change, and we could see some models swapped out for another, but even so, this is a very promising collection. What’s even better that is that these are all recent to new sculpts – we have stuff from last summer’s Leviathan box and models from the most recent faction releases, like Leagues of Votann and World Eaters. It’s a gluttony of riches, and we’re all about to get stuffed.

We at Fauxhammer are honoured to be covering this with you guys first, and we know we’re counting down the days until the trial starts, and Combat Patrol begins to hit the shelves. If you’ve got the Combat Patrol bug, please check out our announcement article, Issues 1-80 breakdown and Premier kits breakdown to get that fix.

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10 thoughts on “Warhammer 40,000: Combat Patrol – Full Collection Savings Breakdown

  • Tim Sanders

    I think it’s a very astute marketing trick by GW. I’ll explain what I mean. Take the guard stuff (I’m old too) a combat patrol and Dorn is 625 points ish. You’re always gonna want to buy more to actually play a game. That’s not a criticism because they don’t have to do cheap stuff. Funnily enough the guard stuff as I already have it all. It’s packed away in the same box as the rest of my pile of shame! What i like the idea of is getting a look at all the other factions to maybe branch out from the guard.

    Alas, the truth is, the timing is off. I’m just about to move and the next month is finishing that. The month after the move I’ll mainly be ripping out the garden in the new place so I’ve space enough to throw a ball for my dog.

    When I’ve moved and settled I need to sort some workstations out. I used to work in factories and figure I’ll be more productive if I can set stuff up the way I want it. I’ve foolishly bought a 3d printer after watching your channel so that’ll need a station. Plus I need to work out some sort of painting stations. Amongst other guard I’ve managed to collect somewhere around 100 steel legion dudes. That’s the first project I need to crack on with and I need the printer to finish that because I like special weapons that aren’t plasma or grenade launcher!

  • Matt Bull

    The Ultimate Starter Set contains the complete Space Marine and Tyranids Combat Patrols, plus some terrain, etc… for much less than the two CPs. There’s a lot of discussion about it’s value and how silly you’d be to buy one of these two CPs… not withstanding they’re not even available through 3rd party stores. I understand why they’ve released them, however in terms of working out this partworks magazine’s value, I’d consider these two CPs to each be 50% the value of the Ultimate Starter Set (even though it does come with more stuff).

  • AmShaegar

    Thanks for the breakdown, I’m curious why the breakdowns are done using the GW store prices and not the usual 20% discount on LGS of the same kits? The availabilities are usually really similar and I think it makes for a more transparent comparison. If the kits are roughly 30% discounted from GW that really means you can get a 10% discount more likely compared to other suppliers.

  • You didn’t include the £33 they charge you for extra binders on the sly that’s hidden in the terms and conditions and isnt advertised…

    And the combat patrol pricing for SM/Nids is a bit out due to them being cheaper in the start sets

  • Is there any sort of date for it’s release? as I’m interested in subscribing from issue 1

  • @AmShaegar 3rd party resellers are never 30% below RRP, the best are 20% and most 15%. The 20% isn’t universal, so I dont think they could use that as standard, and some charge for postage that adds to the cost, but most will ship for free.

    The Combat Patrols are also being changed for 10th Edition and the ones released so far are offering worse value than the old CPs, so these will probably be sought after once they are replaced.

    Making the collection 90 issues instead of 80 and adding an extra £100 to the cost does make it much less of a discount though, and way less appealing, and about the same as getting everything from a reseller. The only benefit is the paints if you add any value to those, the few freebies you get for the premium sub, and the savings from the premium sets.

    I think with making it 90 issues they do need to do something to make it more appealing to get the whole collection rather than just cherry picking factions/individual copies.

  • Reidyn

    Do you know when it’s coming out as I wanna get it and subscribe from issue 1?

  • Colin Adam Peter Cooper

    I have to say ‘fauxhammer’ I think you sold your souls on this one. I am from the UK and inputted all those figures into a popular retailer that gives loyalty points. I swapped out the space marine and tyranid combat patrol for the starter set, as someone else mentioned. Added 30 paints and a few brushes glue etc.
    I got a grand total £1062.
    Meaning for £17 I get a mug or not and a figure or not.
    I agree if your an avid collector or new to the hobby, £48 every four weeks for a package that will entertain you for a month is good value, the magazines are good even for experienced players.
    But come on, this is not a great deal, it saves nothing and as one comment pointed out you end up with stuff you do not really want.

  • Christian Knaack

    Prizes went up this year and probably will go up next year. Also saw pictures where they changed the extra units for some Armys (chaos got a unit of terminators instead of the master of posession).
    With this changes the model prize went up 102,5€. Next year prizes will rise again. So i think it is very good deal.
    You also get the old combat patrol for orks and genestealer, which are better then the new ownes. The prizes for them got higher on the second market and i think this would regulate the space marine and tyranid combat patrol, which could be bought cheaper via the ultimate starter box.

  • So £900 for magazine, or £1200 (with new announced upgrades sauch as MoP changed for Chaos Terminators) buying from GW with combat patrols.
    I would say that 25% is okay, except most veteran players own one or more of these patrols, which assuming a player owns one of these, reduces the value by ~£120 (or 10%).
    If you own two of these factions (such as the nids and marines from the 10th launch set) then the saving is basically not there. I preferred the last magazine where you got the opportunity to do a full army for two factions as it meant doubling on necron stuff (and marine) felt okay, whereas here the doubling offers little as you don’t get new stuff to build on the army. The better value is in the premier stuff, but it depends on whether you want all of those items.

    I’m curious to know whether the set has had the take up like the last, its clearly successful as they are moving it to launch, but I think I’ll be stalking for individual issue releases, rather than subscribing on this one.


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