Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21: Issues 79-80 Review

And thus, we arrive at the end. With the final two issues of Stormbringer now out in the wild, the latest Age of Sigmar collection from Hachette Partworks comes to its close. Have a look one last time at what’s what in our Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21: Issues 79-80 Review.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21: Issues 79-80 Review – Introduction

Well, here we are again.

Ending a collection always feel very bittersweet. With 21 deliveries over almost two years, these monthly arrivals and purchases become a big part of our lives – and possibly doubly true for me, as the person writing these round-ups. So, it’s important that I take a minute to thank you, the reader(s) for coming along with us on this journey through the Mortal Realms.

It’s also sad how quickly they are replaced. Age of Sigmar Fourth Edition has just launched with the spectacular Skaventide box – but in doing so, it’s invalidated almost all the rules content in these magazines, so if you’ve been learning and playing along, you’ll find yourself at a juncture: do you stick with Third Edition – as you’ve learned to – or make the leap into Fourth? If the past has taught us anything, it’s going to be around two years before we see the possibility of another Age of Sigmar-based collection – but maybe (hopefully) you’re feeling brave enough now to muck in with everyone playing the latest edition.

In terms of the miniatures you’ve acquired over the last two years, I’m sure you’ve still got plenty to be painting. I sure as hell have!

But we’re not done quite yet. With two issues – and only one miniature – left to go, we’ve still got a bit to cover. So, one last time, strap yourselves in for a quick look at the very last few issues of Stormbringer magazine.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21: Issues 79-80 Review – Contents

There’s not much to cover in this article: with only two magazines in the final delivery, and one miniature to build spread across both issues, it’s going to be a short one.

The Magazines

Numéro 79 et Numéro 80 round off the Stormbringer collection. Numéro 79 does so with a Gloomspite Gitz story, and a load of information on the the Orruk Waaagh!, before moving on to a complete building guide for Swampboss Skumdrekk – who is spread across both issues. The last few pages of the magazine contain some (now outdated) rules tutorials for using the Stormdrake Guard you received last month.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21 Issues 79-80 Magazines

Numéro 80 contains one final short story, this one a little more all-inclusive than some of the other, by way of rounding out the fictional element of the collection. This magazine also contains a complete painting guide for Skumdrekk, as well as his (also outdated) Warscroll, some more rules tutorials and tactics, and a final battleplan.

The magazine ends on an ominous note, however, with an extra page of lore on the inside back cover…


You’ll need both Numéro 79 et Numéro 80 to build Swampboss Skumdrekk, the final miniature in the collection. Designed to be a leader for the Kruleboyz you’ve collected to this date, Skumdrekk is an impressive figure that will test your painting skills to their limits.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21 Issues 79-80 Swampboss Skumdrekk

I can’t help but feel it’s a bit of a dull note to end on, however. The Kruleboyz have not been the most popular faction across the entire collection by any stretch of the imagination. I’d barely even realised when they were swapped out for other (in my opinion) more interesting forces, such as the Duardin, Gitz, and Ironjawz. Still, there’s no denying the technical magnificence of this miniature, and it will form a great centrepiece for your Kruleboyz.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21: Issues 79-80 Review – Price and Availability

One last set of tables it is, then.

Émettre aucune.Prix d'émission (GBP)Valeur totale (GBP)Épargne totale (GBP)
Numéro 79£9.99£20.00£10.01
Numéro 80£9.99£20.00£10.01

And for those across the seas.

Émettre aucune.Prix d'émission (USD)Valeur totale (USD)Économies totales (USD)
Numéro 79$13.95$31.25$17.30
Numéro 80$13.95$31.25$17.30

So, despite perhaps not being the most exciting note to end on, with savings totalling more than 50%, this is a tough one to argue with.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21: Issues 79-80 Review – Final Thoughts

The GoodThe Bad
Good savings and an interesting – if not incredible – final miniature.It’s over :(

Reading back over this article before I start typing this conclusion, I can’t help but feel a little sad.

I’ve loved Stormbringer. As a die-hard fantasy nerd, having supply drops of weird little made-up creatures with swords and staves and whatever other fantastical nonsense arriving on my doorstep each month has been a real lift for me – and I’m going to miss it.

But I feel a little more disappointed about the note this article ends on. Not only is the collection at its end, but it hasn’t ended on quite the thunderous note I would have liked. There’s no denying that, whilst Skumdrekk is an impressive figure, it doesn’t possess quite the gravitas of some of the alternatives that could have been found within other factions. Sure, it avais to end with a final hail to the Stormcast Eternals and Kruleboyz , as that was what Third Edition was all about, but there could’ve been a better mini. Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork, for example (but there’s a significant price difference between Skumdrekk and Gobsprakk whioch is likely why he wasn’t chosen).

Still, it is what it is, and the savings are undeniable. Skumdrekk’s not quite the ten-out-of-then finish I would have liked – perhaps circling more around a seven – but he doesn’t stain what has been an absolutely fantastic collection from start to finish. Stormbringer, the quality and range of the miniatures delivered each month, as well as the overall presentation of the service, has been excellent. It is, in my opinion at least, the best collection so far, surpassing both Mortal Realms and Imperium (which I know will rustle a few feathers – but I really didn’t like the Necrons, sorry folks!).

With that in mind, now is your last chance to pick up any back-issues you may have missed. Doing so from Forbidden Planet via this link really helps me out, so if you feel like picking up a few issues you’ve missed, or perhaps a couple of duplicates of magazines with figures you really liked, and fancy sending a few pennies my way in the process, please use the link above.

But regardless of affiliate links, and no matter what you think of the Stormbringer collection as a whole, or where you believe it sits within the Partworks Pantheon, I want to say a very sincere thank-you to you. Writing these round-ups over the past few years has been a singular joy for me, and it’s been truly amazing to see just how many people have been reading them and discussing them elsewhere. Whether you’ve just clicked open an article, skim-read part of it, and closed it again, or if you’ve been an avid follower from day one, it has been a great pleasure of mine to produce this little bit of monthly content for you.

I really wish you all the best with your journey – or journeys – into the Mortal Realms, the wider world of Warhammer, and the tabletop hobby beyond.

Best wishes and love to you all,

Rob (@VoltorRWH).


  • FauxHammer.com - Pic de profil Voltor

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21: Issues 79-80
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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21: Issues 79-80


Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

3 réflexions sur “Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21: Issues 79-80 Review

  • septembre 13, 2024 à 1:04 pm

    Hi Rob, This was my first Hachette partworks collection and have really enjoyed it. This has got me back into Warhammer since I dropped off in my late teens. I still have most of the models left to paint and it will keep me occupied for some time to come. Thanks for all the articles and hard work over the last 2 years. Looking forward to the combat patrol ones to come (Hopefully).

  • septembre 15, 2024 à 11:21 am

    I really love Swampboss Skumdrekk, I think it is such a cool model. Loved building him and think he is a great way to end the series.

  • septembre 21, 2024 à 7:51 am

    Thanks Rob, it’s been a blast! Appreciate your efforts these past 2 years


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