Warhammer Combat Patrol Magazine – Launch Date & Collection Changes Confirmed

Hey all, it;s been a while since I’ve done one of these. you may be wondering what and for anyone who is curious I’ll cover it below. But the point of today’s article is to go over the release date of the Magazine and some of the changes. both for the magazine itself, and some ancillary stuff around it which unfortunately is going to upset quite a few of us. So let’s go over the latest…. Here’s the Warhammer Combat Patrol Magazine Release Date & Collection Changes Confirmed.

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Warhammer Combat Patrol Magazine – Where Ya Been?

I’ve been here, Sat at the same desk I ‘m always sat at… except I’ve been at work far more than the blog. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about anyone, but I got made redundant at the end of last year so I’m back to contracting. And whilst that allows me a lot of flexibility, I’ve picked up quite a few things in order to try and get ahead myself ahead in this current financial climate. Which TLDR means, work harder.

And I can’t ignore the Distraction that my YouTube Channel has caused. The growth there has been immense and I’m incredibly grateful for all of the opportunities I get, But it does pull me away from the hobby I love, purely because the engagement there is so huge that I find myself frequently pulled into that world on a daily basis. Taking up every lunch break I have and most evenings.

I’m pretty sure I have a family too, though we rarely see eachother

And we’ve also not really had anything to share, Forbidden Planet revealed a load of stuff before us, there magazine collection, as it did with the last ones, has gone through several changes since the trial. and while I could have posted about this sooner, the result would hgave been thousands more questions in sociual groups of “why can’t i find this online yet?” Leading to more arguments between those in the know and those not in the know.

But now Hachette have come back to me and said, Here’s the confirmed release date and you can announce this on August 1st. Here we are today. on August 1st. Announcing the release date….

Warhammer Combat Patrol Magazine – Release Date

Well, as many people figured out from Forbidden Planet, the release date of the collection is….. (no drumroll please, it;s not worth it….

August 28th 2024

On this day you’ll be able to get your magazines online, in stores, probably including your local Warhammer Store among many supermarkets and stationers because Hachette want to push this hard in the early weeks. After that, it;s select online Stores and partner shops only. Typically Forbidden Planet, WH Smiths and Asda along with a few convenience stores.

For those looking to subscribe online, which has now become the most beneficial way to access the mag (for 2 reasons I’ll come onto.), You should be able to do so from August 14th 2024. if you subbed during the trial, you may need to resub, this has gone various ways over the various collections. The best thing to do is check your Hachette account to ensure you are still active.

What is a Combat Patrol?

Of Course we know what a Combat Patrol is. It’s a boxed set specifically designed to replace the old “Start Collecting” boxes, but with more balanced points between the different faction sets, allowing for people to have a more accessible way of getting into 40k much easier. Well, it sort of was, but since Leviathan was released it then became more of an official thing where each combat patrol (Points be damned) have special rules (read: nerfs) which is intended to balance play between the forces much better.

So what about the Magazine, is this a different Combat Patrol?

Well, yes and no…. You didn’t need to be eagle eyed to spot that the Combat Patrols listed in the collection here all match existing or past Combat Patrol Boxed Sets, but each has an extra model….

So surely that means they would unbalance the overall Combat patrol game, the extra model would be illegal in the wider game or Someone messed up and just bunged in an extra model without realising the potential upset this may cause for anyone wanting to play Combat Patrol having collected this magazine against someone who hasn’t

Well, I asked Hachette directly and they had already been reading your comments and feedback online (i guess whinging on the internet does have it’s positive aspects). So the word (I infer is) from GW to Hachette, is that these Combat Patrols, as presented in the magazine, will be usable in the wider game of Combat Patrol.


But how they will do this is still anybody’s guess, and I suspect for the sake of not surprising how the collection will progress, have stayed tight lipped regarding how. Perhaps there will be specific extra Nerfs for these groupings. perhaps they will just say, yeah it;s a combat patrol but you take that extra model out. or someone messed up and they just leave the model in giving you an advantage over non-partworks-collection players…

What do you think they will do? Though let’s be honest, most of you are just here for the cheap minis anyway… right? I am…

Warhammer Combat Patrol Magazine Changes?

Well again, I hoped to share this exclusive info I was sitting on for this post, but this got spoiled by Forbidden Planet and then confirmed by Hachette, but there have been some changes. to the main collection.

For anyone not subbed or in the group and missed the memo. Here they are

Imperial Guard Changes

I’m not calling them Astra Militarum, Sorry…. But anyway, Instead of this old Commissar, we now have the Heavy Weapon’s Squad

Not a bad little swap over, More models and worth more money too!

Eldar Changes

No longer do we have this Aeldari Autarch, instead we now have the Wraithguard

Now I’ve never been the biggest Aeldari fan, but both of these sets are ones that I like. I will, as sense says I should, happily take the Warithguard over the Autarch, but now I feel compelled to buy that Autarch as it is such a great Iconic model.

Chaos Space Marine Changes

Even if you liked the Awesome Master of Possession, say goodbye, he’s been replaced with a whole squad of Chaos Terminators

Again, a lovely modern model, but those Chaos Space Marines are so incredible and it is one from the perfect legacy era of Games Workshop : thanks to it’s deep versatility and all of the available parts. I have one of these boxes already and would not be upset with a couple more. A lovely and welcome sprue.

So that’s that, As of writing this do still need to add these updates to the whole collection article, which I will do, but considering all of the price changes too thanks to GW upping the prices a couple of months back, there’s a lot to go through and recalculate. I suppose, at least the benefit here is that in contrast, the collections value has gone up by a good few quid!

Warhammer Combat Patrol Magazine Financial Losses (for all of us) – Thanks to Forbidden Planet!

Well I guess it had to end sometime…

And many Partworks veterans know, we’ve had it cushty for a quite a while, Forbidden Planet have worked out what I suspect was a large mistake on their end from the off…

Ok, I have to assume that some of you don’t know, so let’s start at the beginning.

If you subscribe to the magazine through Hachette, they call it a weekly subscription. but you don’t actually get it weekly. You get 4 magazines in a box every 4 weeks. booo, You want things coming through the door weekly when it comes out weekly right?

Well Forbidden Planet gave us that. When you placed an order with them, they would charge you a flat postage fee…. it was about £3 when you order a single issue, £4 is for 2 issues, and about £5 for 5 “OR MORE” issues….

So what you could do, was order a ton of sequential magazines in one go, no matter if they were different issues, and you’d get them delivered weekly but pay that flat postage fee which maxed out at about £5 per order… (not per deliver, “PER ORDER”, Brilliant.

But now they’ve figured it out. So if you order 4 individual magazines, you’ll get charged about £3 postage per magazine. Sigh…. So unless you are booking multiples. This is no longer the best way to get a hold of the mag, in fact, considering it potentially now charges you an extra £3 per issue. it’s now become the worst way to subscribe unless you are buying like 12 or more of each issue….

Considering that our affiliate links to that magazine was one of the few ways this site actually made any money… yeah I’m a bit sore about it. But in fairness, I expect that this was probably costing FP quite a bit of money over the years.

But regardless of any of that. I see this as a massive nail in the coffin of our love for the magazines…

You see the way this collection works, is that the total amount of issues out in the wild is based on the amount previously sold. It’s why the Trial even happens. If not enough people signed up to the trial, then amount that get released on August 28th will be less than an earlier collection where the trial sold more.

So, if fewer people are buying the magazine from stores or subscribing through Hachette, as I suspect may be the case to to the recent purporting of Warhammer’s popularity starting to dip. And now with fewer mags being bought through Forbidden Planet. The later issues of the mag will also be availbale in lower quantities.

Obviously buy in whatever way you wish to, but fair warning, if you are considering just picking up a few of the later issues… if the early ones don’t sell well, you may not be able to.

It is sad to say, but this already feels a bit like the end of one of the best era’s in GW history…

Warhammer Combat Patrol Magazine – What Now?

Well, If you want these crazy savings on models… I suggest you decide on a Way to Subscribe?….

The best way, which includes the benefits of also getting the premium subscription is Directly with Hachette, so check out the website going live in the next couple of weeks and get your Subs in ASAP.

Yes there will be plenty of issue 1 in the shops too. ‘d say leave them alone so that other people can potentially see them any maybe we get a new person in the hobby. but the truth is, if you don’t buy them, scalpers will…

Forbidden planet is still aw way to go if you are buying multiples of the same issue, but unless you are buying 12 or more copies of each issue, it;s cheaper now to get it in stores. Forbidden Planet physical stores do stock them too. But again, check your local WH Smiths, Asda and Newsagents if they are known to do Partworks.

Moving forward, we’ll keep our list updated for all the upcoming issues along with prices and savings per issue, and we will still link you to Forbidden planet so you can grab those issues from there still if you like.

Warhammer 40,000 Combat Patrol Issues 1-80 Header

WE would confirm the first 5 issues contents but you already know what they are. I know what 6-7 is too, but I’m not allowed to reveal that just yet… here’s a clue, it’s more Tyranids and Space Marines.

See you soon guys, Stay tuned

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18 réflexions sur “Warhammer Combat Patrol Magazine – Launch Date & Collection Changes Confirmed

  • août 8, 2024 à 1:50 pm

    “But regardless of any of that. I see this as a massive nail in the coffin of our love for the magazines…”

    Surely that’s a bit cynical? Who is the ‘our’ here? Is the nail in the coffin because you don’t actually love it, or because of the hit to your wallet.

    • août 15, 2024 à 11:15 pm

      I agree it does sound like this is more being upset that it’s a hit to their wallet rather than any downturn in the magazine subscription.

      Warhammer is more popular than ever even with the cost of the hobby going up, so see this magazine will be quite popular as it’s quite a bit cheaper even for those with armies already.

    • août 16, 2024 à 10:19 am

      I’m sure I’m not alone in saying my love for the magazines is entièrement because they let me get models below RRP. The actual magazine part of the magazine is just so much hamster bedding.

  • août 13, 2024 à 5:48 pm

    I’d like to hear more about your feelings that there’s staring to be or going to be a dip in 40k popularity? First I’m hearing about it, but it does kind of match up to how I’m personally feeling.

  • août 18, 2024 à 3:17 pm

    am i the only one who thinks that maybe its too many models? in hindsight it looks amazing but Nine Armies is a little bit to much shelf Space :D im not complaining about the contents however. i dont live in a TARDIS so it i looks like ill be looking at where they can all fit :D funny thing is its Ironic as one thing i hated about Imperium was the Terrain.

  • septembre 2, 2024 à 12:50 pm

    Worked out the savings for the first batch of Marines and Tyranids as these can be projected with some confidence. Assuming the chaplain and parasite are cynically saved for drop 6, drop 5 will be all of the starter set. This can be got from Wayland Games today for £104.00, the subscription will have cost £163.83 to this point.
    Not great so far.

    Doing this again but adding in the premium kits sounds better as by the first premium drop you’ll have spent an extra £36.00 for a dread and a hive tyrant!
    However the total cost for this (18 issues) comes to 197.83 for the starter set, a dread and a hive tyrant. On wayland games these can be got for £176 today so the subscription so far costs an extra £21.83.

    However when you add drop 6 which completes the tyranids and marines with the starter set, dread, hive tyrant, parasite and chaplain (bar the Primaris Company Champion on drop 7) the subscription comes to £245.79. Wayland games today will charge you £243.20 for all this with thier 20% discount.

    For marines and tyranids the magazine is not very special, it costs more and historically comes sans transfers.
    However after this there are some savings as a pair of combat patrols that are the rough equivant of the marines and tyranids will cost you an extra £60.00 with the usual 20% discount from 3rd party sellers. This roughly equates to a 14% saving (or 34% if you buy direct from GW because love is not measured in money).

    Assuming you go the whole mile and get the lot, the discount of the entire subscription is dragged back by this initial poor value offering. That 14% discount across 7 armies instead of 9 drags the overall saving to ~12.5% overall. If you don’t go for the premium sets though, my best estimate is that you’ll be paying about the same as you would from a 3rd party shop.

    I guess the extra value of paints and the contents of magazine works for a new player. This will give value back over and above the models but for an existing player this isn’t a great offering.

    Sad really. I’m eyeing up the D&L Caves add-on of the Deuslair fantasy mini’s now as the value offering for painting that stuff is so much better than this subscription. I was hoping it would kick me back into the 40k hobby but unfortunately not. GW keeps pricing me out, not for the cost even, just for feeling of being exploited spoils the feel-good of the hobby time.

  • septembre 6, 2024 à 11:55 am

    Has this been delayed? I haven’t seen it in any stores yet

    • septembre 9, 2024 à 9:21 pm

      Apparently they have been soo popular the shops have potentially sold out and more stock is on the way. That’s according to Hachette. So keep checking Asda, Morrison’s and WH Smith

    • septembre 12, 2024 à 9:33 am

      Definitely not delayed. I think it’s available in some shops but I’ve had my first delivery with issues 1 & 2.

    • septembre 12, 2024 à 9:36 am

      It’s because issue 1 sold out immediately, and issue 2 only launched yesterday.

      The guy in my local newsagent said he got 60 copies of issue 1 in and they had all gone by lunchtime of the first day.

  • septembre 8, 2024 à 8:08 pm

    Issue 6 is five Bargaunts. There’s a pic up on the Forbidden Planet website.

  • septembre 12, 2024 à 6:21 pm

    Is that value in Guy’s calc right? I can only find patrols for 80 or so on even Wayland games. 104 for both nids and marines doesn’t seem quite right

    • septembre 19, 2024 à 12:50 pm

      The 104 will be the discounted price for the ultimate starter set which has both the Marines & Nid combat patrols inside along with a bunker & walls.
      Real discounts will show on the later armies.

    • septembre 19, 2024 à 4:26 pm

      He’ll be talking about the 40K Ultimate Starter Set, which contains both Combat Patrols plus a few extras for £104 from Wayland.

    • septembre 23, 2024 à 11:07 am

      £104 It is the cost of the Warhammer 40,000 Ultimate Starter Set at 20% off RRP, it contains both of the Space Marine & Tyranids combat patrols.

    • décembre 27, 2024 à 12:50 pm

      It’s the older Combat Patrol that is not listed anymore on Warhammer containing:
      – 1x Dark Apostle
      – 2x Dark Disciples
      – 1x Helbrute
      – 5x Havocs
      – 10x Chaos Space Marines

      Still a cool Model to miss out on tho; then again there might be little enough overlap to consider also getting the new Combat Patrol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • décembre 27, 2024 à 12:52 pm

    It’s the older Combat Patrol that is not listed anymore on Warhammer containing:
    – 1x Dark Apostle
    – 2x Dark Disciples
    – 1x Helbrute
    – 5x Havocs
    – 10x Chaos Space Marines

    Still a cool Model to miss out on tho; then again there might be little enough overlap to consider also getting the new Combat Patrol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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