
Echoes of Doom Price, Value and Savings Breakdown

Last Updated on May 18, 2022 by FauxHammer

Another month rolls by and another boxed release comes directly from Games Workshop, this time another Age of Sigmar fare of models where the Sylvaneth (Tree-Aelves) get down and dirty with the Skaven (rat-men) forces. Let’s take a look at the Price, Value & Savings for Echoes of Doom.

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Echoes of Doom Price, Value and Savings Summary

Sylvaneth Value£143.50$240.00$285.00€187.50$324.00
Skaven Value£104.00$174.00$209.00€134.50$247.50
Total Value£247.50$414.00$459.00€322.00$571.50
Echoes of Doom Price£115.00$195.00*$230.00*€150.00*$320.00*
Total Savings£132.50$219.00$229.00€172.00$251.50
Percentage Saved53%53%50%53%44.00%
* Assumed based on previous releases.

Echoes of Doom Release Date

Nice and easy this one. You are probably already aware as this was revealed in the Sunday preview on May 15th 2022

Echoes of Doom will be released on Saturday May 23rd at 10:00am

Echoes of Doom Price

Another easy one, for the UK at least, the UK price has been confirmed at £115, which is surprisingly quite low for the included contents! Especially when we know we can get an additional 80% off this price.

Current Price*£115.00$195.00$230.00€150.00$320.00
* Assumed based on previous releases.

The other regions have been assumed based on the relative price difference in similar boxes. Specifically Arena of Shades.

Echoes of Doom Value

There’s a lot in this box. Both armies have some large elements, and where the Sylvaneth have larger detailed models, the Skaven have a whole order of rats.

I was surprised to see just how much was in this box. For once, the March 2022 price Rise has really gone in buyers’ favour here as the contents of this box are worth a quite decent amount.

Sylvaneth Value£143.50$240.00$285.00€187.50$324.00
Skaven Value£104.00$174.00$209.00€134.50$247.50
Total Value£247.50$414.00$459.00€322.00$571.50

Honestly, it’s worth this for the savings alone, you could not get this much discount on these models if you worked directly for GW.

Echoes of Doom Sylvaneth Value

Featuring the lady of lines and Gossamid archers making their debut appearance.

Backing them up we have the Spirit of Durthu who could also be built as a Treelord or Treelord Ancient.

Lady of Vines*£35.00$60.00$70.00€45.00$90.00
Gossamid Archers**£30.00$50.00$60.00€40.00$71.00
Spirit of Durthu£42.50$70.00$85.00€55.00$103.00
Kurnoth Hunters£36.00$60.00$70.00€47.50$60.00
Total Value£143.50$240.00$285.00€187.50$324.00
*Based on Warsong Revenant
**Based on Spite/Tree-Revenants

Even the Kurnoth hunters have several build options.

Echoes of Doom Skaven Value

The Skaven force has only one new model, the master assassin Deathmaster Virrtik

The showcase piece is the Skaven Screaming Bell

Deathmaster Virrtik*£18.00$32.00$36.00€23.00$49.00
Screaming Bell£42.50$70.00$85.00€55.00$96.00
10 x Stormvermin**£17.50$30.00$35.00€22.50$41.50
20 x Clanrats£26.00$42.00$53.00€34.00$61.00
Total Value£104.00$174.00$209.00€134.50$247.50
* Based on Warlock Bombardier
** Half the Value of the retail set of 20 Stormvirmin

Backing the force up are no less than 30 Skaven warriors, broken down into 20 Clanrats and 10 Stormvirmin

Echoes of Doom Price, Value & Savings – Final Thoughts

I’m genuinely surprised. I’m not sure if GW has recently done an about-face in terms of boxed set pricing, but we know that Ash Wastes was not well received its price vs what was in the box. Though once people started seeing it in the wilds, with the size of the habs. The value of that set became much clearer.

Here we have one of the best-boxed set savings that GW has done in recent memory, and my memory of boxed set savings goes back to around 2016.

If you are interested at all in either one of these armies. pick this box up for an amazing saving and stick the other half of the box on eBay.

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Self-appointed Editor in chief of FauxHammer.com - But I need to thank the team for existing and therefore enabling me to give myself role - without them, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a plastic addiction.

3 thoughts on “Echoes of Doom Price, Value and Savings Breakdown

  • I’ll be surprised if the Lady of Vines only costs £35 separately. £50 if we’re lucky; £70 if we aren’t.

    • That’s fair, I could not find a similar sized Sylvaneth model to compare it to.

  • As a Sylvaneth lover, this will be a day1 for sure :)


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